Pre feasibility study April 2008; The first step is usually to commission a pre feasibility study. The objective is to assess with limited work the likely feasibility of the site. Our study recommended the use of an Archimedes screw and estimated the head and flows and the 11KW potential. The economics were very preliminary but encouraged us to progress to the next stage
Reference site visits Summer 2009; We spent the summer of 2009 visiting a number of Archimedes screw sites but also some with more traditional water wheels. We decided that the Archimedes screw was the right solution for us and were impressed by Mann Power's progress with this relatively new technology. We investigated the potential economics further and the newly announced 'feed in tariffs' raised the potential of meeting our financial objective of a 10 year 'payback'.
Selection of MannPower; We selected MannPower to handle all the detailed design and commissioning of the screw but also to handle all the various approvals required.
Engage with Environment Agency May 2010; The approval process of the Environment Agency (EA) is apparently often the longest element of such a project and this certainly reflects our experience. They were contacted in early 2010 and made their first site visit in May 2010. When the local authority planning application was submitted in December 2010, however, they were still not ready to give approval and the application had to be withdrawn. It was resubmitted at the end of March 2011 and finally received approval at the end of May 2011. The Environment Agency made a requirement of their approval that we install a fish pass to their design. That requirement would later add c30% to the base cost of the scheme.
Commencement of civil works August 2011; A.G.A Services were commissioned to carry out the preparatory civil works and in particular to construct a new channel that would house the Archimedes screw and involved c 100 tonnes of concrete in its construction
Delivery of screw December 2011; Finally we were ready and in December 2011 the screw was craned into place
Commissioning February 2012; The next few weeks were spent commissioning the system and in February 2012 we were generating electricity for the first time!!